SIG Member Publications

Check out these recent publications by members of the Autism SIG! If you have recent work you would like featured here, please get in touch with us here.

Habayeb, S., Al-Harahsheh, S., Ratto, A., Verbalis, A., Pugliese, C., Nadwodny, N., Al-Meer, F., & El-Akoum, M. (2022). Meeting the needs of autistic adults in Qatar: Stakeholder perspectives on gaps in services and priorities for future programming. Autism26(1), 88–100.

Kenworthy, L., Verbalis, A., Bascom, J., daVanport, S., Strang, J. F., Pugliese, C., Freeman, A., Jeppsen, C., Armour, A. C., Jost, G., Hardy, K., & Wallace, G. L. (2022). Adding the missing voice: How self-report of autistic youth self-report on an executive functioning rating scale compares to parent report and that of youth with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or neurotypical development. Autism26(2), 422–433.

Ratto, A., Bascom, J., daVanport, S., Strang, J. F., Anthony, L. G., Verbalis, A., Pugliese, C., Nadwodny, N., Brown, L., Cruz, M., Lory Hector, B., Kapp, S.K., Giwa Onaiwu, M., Raymaker, D.M., Robison, J.E., Stewart, C., Stone, R., Whetsell, E., Pelphrey, K., & Kenworthy, L. (2022). Centering the inner experience of autism: development of the self-assessment of autistic traits. Autism in Adulthood.

Rothschild, L. B., Ratto, A. B., Kenworthy, L., Hardy, K. K., Verbalis, A., Pugliese, C., Strang, J. F., Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Anthony, B. J., Anthony, L. G., Guter, M. M., & Haaga, D. (2022). Parents matter: Parent acceptance of school-based executive functions interventions relates to improved child outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology78, 1388-1406. doi:10.1002/jclp.23309.

Strang, J.F., Chen, D., Nelson, E., Leibowitz, S.F., Nahata, L., Anthony, L., Song, A., Grannis, C., Graham, E., Henise, S., Vilain, E., Sadikova, E., Freeman, A., Pugliese, C.E., Khawaja, A., Maisashvilia, T., Mancillas, M., & Kenworthy, L. (2021). Transgender youth executive functioning: Relationships with anxiety symptoms, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and gender-affirming medical treatment status. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-14.  

Tomaszewski, B., Klinger, L. G., & Pugliese, C. E. (2021). Self-determination in Autistic transition-aged youth without Intellectual Disability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10.1007/s10803-021-05280-6. Advance online publication.

Hunsche, M. C., Saqui, S., Mirenda, P., Zaidman-Zait, A., Bennett, T., Duku, E., … & Ungar, W. J. (2020). Parent-reported rates and clinical correlates of suicidality in children with autism spectrum disorder: a longitudinal study. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-14.

Jager-Hyman, S., Maddox, B. B., Crabbe, S. R., & Mandell, D. S. (2020). Mental health clinicians’ screening and intervention practices to reduce suicide risk in autistic adolescents and adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Special Issue on Suicidality and Self-Harm in Autism Spectrum Disorders). Advance online publication.

Kang, E., Gioia, A., Pugliese, C. E., Islam, N. Y., Martinez-Pedraza, F. D. L., Girard, R. M., … & Lerner, M. D. (2020). Alliance-Outcome Associations in a Community-Based Social Skills Intervention for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Behavior Therapy.

Kerns, C. M., Berkowitz, S. J., Moskowitz, L. J., Drahota, A., Lerner, M. D., Usual Care for Autism Study (UCAS) Consortium, & Newschaffer, C. J. (2020). Screening and treatment of trauma-related symptoms in youth with autism spectrum disorder among community providers in the United States. Autism24(2), 515-525.

Kerns, C. M., Winder-Patel, B., Iosif, A. M., Nordahl, C. W., Heath, B., Solomon, M., & Amaral, D. G. (2020). Clinically Significant Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Varied Intellectual Functioning. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 1-16.

Mapes, A. R.,Quetsch, L. B., &Booker, H. (2020). A review of diagnostic instruments for children on the autism spectrum: Methodological and gender considerations. Handbook on Child and Adolescent Behavior and HealthNew York: Nova Publishers.

Parisi, K., Mapes, A. R., & Quetsch, L. B. (2020). Social interactions for children on the autism spectrum: An exploration of parent, sibling, peer, and adult relationships. Child Interaction: Perspectives, Activities and Outcomes. New York: Nova Publishers.

Smith, I.C.,& White, S.W. (2020). Socio-Emotional Determinants of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Autism. Advance online publication.